, outfile=None, *, area_thresh=None, reverse=None, projection=None, region=None, verbose=None, z_subregion=None, binary=None, nodata=None, find=None, coltypes=None, gap=None, header=None, incols=None, outcols=None, registration=None, skiprows=None, wrap=None, **kwargs)[source]

Select data table subsets based on multiple spatial criteria.

This is a filter that reads (x, y) or (longitude, latitude) positions from the first 2 columns of data and uses a combination of 1-7 criteria to pass or reject the records. Records can be selected based on whether or not they are:

  1. inside a rectangular region (region [and projection])

  2. within dist km of any point in pointfile

  3. within dist km of any line in linefile

  4. inside one of the polygons in the polygonfile

  5. inside geographical features (based on coastlines)

  6. has z-values within a given range, or

  7. inside bins of a grid mask whose nodes are non-zero

The sense of the tests can be reversed for each of these 7 criteria by using the reverse option.

Full option list at


  • A = area_thresh

  • I = reverse

  • J = projection

  • R = region

  • V = verbose

  • Z = z_subregion

  • b = binary

  • d = nodata

  • e = find

  • f = coltypes

  • g = gap

  • h = header

  • i = incols

  • o = outcols

  • r = registration

  • s = skiprows

  • w = wrap

  • data (str or numpy.ndarray or pandas.DataFrame or xarray.Dataset or geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – Pass in either a file name to an ASCII data table, a 2D numpy.ndarray, a pandas.DataFrame, an xarray.Dataset made up of 1D xarray.DataArray data variables, or a geopandas.GeoDataFrame containing the tabular data.

  • outfile (str) – The file name for the output ASCII file.

  • area_thresh (int or float or str) – min_area[/min_level/max_level][+a[g|i][s|S]][+l|r][+ppercent]. Features with an area smaller than min_area in km2 or of hierarchical level that is lower than min_level or higher than max_level will not be plotted [Default is 0/0/4 (all features)].

  • reverse (str) –

    [cflrsz]. Reverses the sense of the test for each of the criteria specified:

    • c select records NOT inside any point’s circle of influence.

    • f select records NOT inside any of the polygons.

    • g will pass records inside the cells with z equal zero of the grid mask in gridmask.

    • l select records NOT within the specified distance of any line.

    • r select records NOT inside the specified rectangular region.

    • s select records NOT considered inside as specified by mask (and area_thresh, resolution).

    • z select records NOT within the range specified by z_subregion.

  • projection (str) – projcode[projparams/]width. Select map projection.

  • region (str or list) – xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax[+r][+uunit]. Specify the region of interest.

  • verbose (bool or str) –

    Select verbosity level [Default is w], which modulates the messages written to stderr. Choose among 7 levels of verbosity:

    • q - Quiet, not even fatal error messages are produced

    • e - Error messages only

    • w - Warnings [Default]

    • t - Timings (report runtimes for time-intensive algorithms);

    • i - Informational messages (same as verbose=True)

    • c - Compatibility warnings

    • d - Debugging messages

  • z_subregion (str) – min[/max][+a][+ccol][+i]. Pass all records whose 3rd column (z; col = 2) lies within the given range or is NaN (use skiprows to skip NaN records). If max is omitted then we test if z equals min instead. This means equality within 5 ULPs (unit of least precision; Input file must have at least three columns. To indicate no limit on min or max, specify a hyphen (-). If your 3rd column is absolute time then remember to supply coltypes="2T". To specify another column, append +ccol, and to specify several tests just repeat the z_subregion option as many times as you have columns to test. Note: When more than one z_subregion option is given then the reverse="z" option cannot be used. In the case of multiple tests you may use these modifiers as well: +a passes any record that passes at least one of your z tests [Default is all tests must pass], and +i reverses the tests to pass record with z value NOT in the given range. Finally, if +c is not used then it is automatically incremented for each new z_subregion option, starting with 2.

  • binary (bool or str) –

    i|o[ncols][type][w][+l|b]. Select native binary input (using binary="i") or output (using binary="o"), where ncols is the number of data columns of type, which must be one of:

    • c - int8_t (1-byte signed char)

    • u - uint8_t (1-byte unsigned char)

    • h - int16_t (2-byte signed int)

    • H - uint16_t (2-byte unsigned int)

    • i - int32_t (4-byte signed int)

    • I - uint32_t (4-byte unsigned int)

    • l - int64_t (8-byte signed int)

    • L - uint64_t (8-byte unsigned int)

    • f - 4-byte single-precision float

    • d - 8-byte double-precision float

    • x - use to skip ncols anywhere in the record

    For records with mixed types, append additional comma-separated combinations of ncols type (no space). The following modifiers are supported:

    • w after any item to force byte-swapping.

    • +l|b to indicate that the entire data file should be read as little- or big-endian, respectively.

    Full documentation is at

  • nodata (str) – i|onodata. Substitute specific values with NaN (for tabular data). For example, d="-9999" will replace all values equal to -9999 with NaN during input and all NaN values with -9999 during output. Prepend i to the nodata value for input columns only. Prepend o to the nodata value for output columns only.

  • find (str) – [~]“pattern” | [~]/regexp/[i]. Only pass records that match the given pattern or regular expressions [Default processes all records]. Prepend ~ to the pattern or regexp to instead only pass data expressions that do not match the pattern. Append i for case insensitive matching. This does not apply to headers or segment headers.

  • coltypes (str) – [i|o]colinfo. Specify data types of input and/or output columns (time or geographical data). Full documentation is at

  • gap (str or list) –

    [a]x|y|d|X|Y|D|[col]zgap[+n|p]. Examine the spacing between consecutive data points in order to impose breaks in the line. To specify multiple critera, provide a list with each item containing a string describing one set of critera. Prepend a to specify that all the criteria must be met [Default is to impose breaks if any criteria are met]. The following modifiers are supported:

    • x|X - define a gap when there is a large enough change in the x coordinates (upper case to use projected coordinates).

    • y|Y - define a gap when there is a large enough change in the y coordinates (upper case to use projected coordinates).

    • d|D - define a gap when there is a large enough distance between coordinates (upper case to use projected coordinates).

    • [col]z - define a gap when there is a large enough change in the data in column col [default col is 2 (i.e., 3rd column)].

    A unit u may be appended to the specified gap:

    • For geographic data (x|y|d), the unit may be arc d(egree), m(inute), and s(econd), or (m)e(ter), f(eet), k(ilometer), M(iles), or n(autical miles) [Default is (m)e(ter)].

    • For projected data (X|Y|D), the unit may be i(nch), c(entimeter), or p(oint).

    One of the following modifiers can be appended to gap [Default imposes breaks based on the absolute value of the difference between the current and previous value]:

    • +n - specify that the previous value minus the current column value must exceed gap for a break to be imposed.

    • +p - specify that the current value minus the previous value must exceed gap for a break to be imposed.

  • header (str) –

    [i|o][n][+c][+d][+msegheader][+rremark][+ttitle]. Specify that input and/or output file(s) have n header records [Default is 0]. Prepend i if only the primary input should have header records. Prepend o to control the writing of header records, with the following modifiers supported:

    • +d to remove existing header records.

    • +c to add a header comment with column names to the output [Default is no column names].

    • +m to add a segment header segheader to the output after the header block [Default is no segment header].

    • +r to add a remark comment to the output [Default is no comment]. The remark string may contain \n to indicate line-breaks.

    • +t to add a title comment to the output [Default is no title]. The title string may contain \n to indicate line-breaks.

    Blank lines and lines starting with # are always skipped.

  • incols (str or 1d array) –

    Specify data columns for primary input in arbitrary order. Columns can be repeated and columns not listed will be skipped [Default reads all columns in order, starting with the first (i.e., column 0)].

    • For 1d array: specify individual columns in input order (e.g., incols=[1,0] for the 2nd column followed by the 1st column).

    • For str: specify individual columns or column ranges in the format start[:inc]:stop, where inc defaults to 1 if not specified, with columns and/or column ranges separated by commas (e.g., incols="0:2,4+l" to input the first three columns followed by the log-transformed 5th column). To read from a given column until the end of the record, leave off stop when specifying the column range. To read trailing text, add the column t. Append the word number to t to ingest only a single word from the trailing text. Instead of specifying columns, use incols="n" to simply read numerical input and skip trailing text. Optionally, append one of the following modifiers to any column or column range to transform the input columns:

      • +l to take the log10 of the input values.

      • +d to divide the input values by the factor divisor [Default is 1].

      • +s to multiple the input values by the factor scale [Default is 1].

      • +o to add the given offset to the input values [Default is 0].

  • outcols (str or 1d array) –

    cols[,…][,t[word]]. Specify data columns for primary output in arbitrary order. Columns can be repeated and columns not listed will be skipped [Default writes all columns in order, starting with the first (i.e., column 0)].

    • For 1d array: specify individual columns in output order (e.g., outcols=[1,0] for the 2nd column followed by the 1st column).

    • For str: specify individual columns or column ranges in the format start[:inc]:stop, where inc defaults to 1 if not specified, with columns and/or column ranges separated by commas (e.g., outcols="0:2,4" to output the first three columns followed by the 5th column). To write from a given column until the end of the record, leave off stop when specifying the column range. To write trailing text, add the column t. Append the word number to t to write only a single word from the trailing text. Instead of specifying columns, use outcols="n" to simply read numerical input and skip trailing text. Note: if incols is also used then the columns given to outcols correspond to the order after the incols selection has taken place.

  • registration (str) – g|p. Force gridline (g) or pixel (p) node registration. [Default is g(ridline)].

  • skiprows (bool or str) –

    [cols][+a][+r]. Suppress output for records whose z-value equals NaN [Default outputs all records]. Optionally, supply a comma-separated list of all columns or column ranges to consider for this NaN test [Default only considers the third data column (i.e., cols = 2)]. Column ranges must be given in the format start[:inc]:stop, where inc defaults to 1 if not specified. The following modifiers are supported:

    • +r to reverse the suppression, i.e., only output the records whose z-value equals NaN.

    • +a to suppress the output of the record if just one or more of the columns equal NaN [Default skips record only if values in all specified cols equal NaN].

  • wrap (str) –

    y|a|w|d|h|m|s|cperiod[/phase][+ccol]. Convert the input x-coordinate to a cyclical coordinate, or a different column if selected via +ccol. The following cyclical coordinate transformations are supported:

    • y - yearly cycle (normalized)

    • a - annual cycle (monthly)

    • w - weekly cycle (day)

    • d - daily cycle (hour)

    • h - hourly cycle (minute)

    • m - minute cycle (second)

    • s - second cycle (second)

    • c - custom cycle (normalized)

    Full documentation is at


output (pandas.DataFrame or None) – Return type depends on whether the outfile parameter is set:

  • pandas.DataFrame table if outfile is not set.

  • None if outfile is set (filtered output will be stored in file set by outfile).